Human Trafficking Blog

First Look: The Colorado Project to Comprehensively Combat Human Trafficking 2.0

“Does human trafficking really exist here?” It’s one of the most common questions we get asked at the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking. Our research has consistently helped counter the misconception that this type of exploitation only exists outside of our state or beyond our country’s borders. But there is a deeper question that must be considered: What would it take to end human trafficking in Colorado?

This month, we are proud to release a new research study to help provide answers. The Colorado Project to Comprehensively Combat Human Trafficking 2.0 (CP2.0), along with our updated statewide action plan (CAP2.0), will help make Colorado communities aware and prepared to address this human rights abuse.

“It is with great pride that we are able to deliver this report along with the survivor-informed action plan as roadmaps for working together toward a solution to end human trafficking in Colorado. We took a closer look at our state’s current efforts in order to identify strengths and gaps, and begin to move toward better estimates of this hidden problem.”

-Amanda Finger, LCHT Executive Director

Check Out Colorado Project 2.0

CP2.0 delves into four key questions:

  1. What is the nature of human trafficking in Colorado?
  2. What is being done to address human trafficking in Colorado?
  3. How do we work together to comprehensively end human trafficking in Colorado?  
  4. What is next to end human trafficking in Colorado?

Practical Recommendations for Colorado Communities

The Colorado Action Plan 2.0 transforms CP2.0 research findings into concrete action steps. The plan outlines practical recommendations to combat human trafficking in Colorado through the 4Ps framework: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, and Partnership. Ultimately, ten key recommendations were developed by a diverse group of survivors, practitioners, law enforcement, and advocates from across the state. During the summer, LCHT will be taking the action plan back to Colorado communities through a series of presentations.

“The anti-human trafficking movement needs evidence to inform not only policy but also service delivery — so that we can stop guessing, and start utilizing sustainable, survivor-informed practices to serve our most vulnerable community members.”

Kara Napolitano, LCHT Research and Training Manager

Taken together, CP2.0 and CAP2.0 will bolster Colorado’s understanding of the crime and empower community-led efforts with research-driven insight. We invite you to read the full report and the action plan in order to learn about the nature of human trafficking across diverse Colorado communities. We remain hopeful in the midst of our work as we witness how Colorado communities champion social change through education, advocacy, and collaboration. Together, we can end human trafficking.

The growth in anti-trafficking task forces and coalitions in Colorado demonstrates that communities have become more organized and prepared to respond to this crime