Human Trafficking Blog

Research + Action

How Stable Housing Can Help End Trafficking in Colorado

How Stable Housing Can Help End Trafficking in Colorado

For many people experiencing homelessness who are in a trafficking situation, it can be hard to get help. In other cases, traffickers may confiscate documents to maintain control. In other words, housing insecurity is both a cause AND a consequence of trafficking.

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Protecting the Rights of Migrant Sheepherders

Protecting the Rights of Migrant Sheepherders

Meet Tom Acker, the Co-Founder of Western Slope Against Trafficking (WSAT), a community partnership that supports survivors of human trafficking and raises awareness about this widespread human rights crisis through training and community education.

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Elevating Survivor Voices in the Anti-trafficking Movement

Elevating Survivor Voices in the Anti-trafficking Movement

Survivors have been a big part of the data design, collection, and analysis of The Colorado Project 2023, our latest research initiative on human trafficking in Colorado. But the anti-trafficking movement has room to grow when it comes to stepping aside for survivor leaders to step in.

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