Human Trafficking Blog

We Imagine: The End of Human Trafficking is Still Possible

This year the world stopped – but human trafficking didn’t. Across the country, many vulnerabilities that lead to exploitation are more present than ever. That’s why our response right now is so critical.

Dream With Us

At the close of an unprecedented year, we are all asking: How can we still imagine a way forward towards our greatest dreams? At LCHT, that dream is the end of human trafficking. We reach towards it by connecting survivors to resources. By investing in our next generation of human rights leaders. By conducting community-based research. And by helping people understand what this crime looks like and how to respond.

In 2020 we’ve had to adjust how we deliver our programs and still make an impact during a pandemic. Human rights abuses endure in these moments, and so our actions to counter them must, too. But the most important ingredient to keep those actions on track is the direct support of people of like you who choose to dream with us. This month – if you care about human trafficking – we’re asking for your direct support during We Imagine. Together we can still realize our dream of ending human trafficking.

The Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (EIN # 27-0662292). Check donations in support of the Onward Campaign can be sent to 1031 33rd St. Suite #237 Denver, CO 80205. If you would like to donate stock or recommend a gift through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), please contact us directly at 303-295-0451 or