Human Trafficking Blog

The Spirit of Service: Meet Two Inspiring Volunteers Creating a Better Future for Everyone

This month we’re celebrating the power of what’s possible when we come together to help end human trafficking. And today is International Volunteer Day, a moment to recognize people who are giving back, responding to needs, and creating a better future for everyone. No better time then today to announce the two recipients of our 2021 Spirit of Service Award: Brittany Valadez and Devin-Pitts Rogers!

The 2021 Spirit of Service Award

Each year the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking recognizes individuals who have made outstanding volunteer contributions to anti-trafficking in the current year with a Spirit of Service Award. Brittany and Devin were both nominated and selected unanimously by our staff and leadership to receive this award for 2021! We are grateful for the contributions of these two incredible leaders:

Brittany Valadez

This year Brittany Valadez marked the culmination of five years of volunteer service to the hotline – three years as an advocate, and two as a backup manager. A truly amazing contribution! Brittany has consistently demonstrated deep care with each and every hotline caller she supported. She practiced leadership and passion as a backup manager and made Colorado’s Human Trafficking Hotline stronger. As she steps back from volunteering to close this year, we can’t emphasize enough how Brittany’s impact and legacy will extend well beyond 2021. Thank you for being so amazing, Brittany, and representing the spirit of service in anti-trafficking!

“To me the spirit of service means having a heart for people and providing to them when they’re in need! It means that the person in need will likely not be able to offer anything in return, but your empathy is enough to motivate you to do everything you can for a person who maybe cannot do it for themself.”

Brittany Valadez

Devin Pitts-Rogers

In 2021, Devin Pitts-Rogers engaged in LCHT’s mission of informing social change to eliminate human exploitation on several fronts! He served as a hotline advocate, participated as a key member of our Leadership Development Program’s summer cohort, and contributed countless hours to strengthen our organizational data management. Devin consistently showed up with thoughtfulness, care, and humor in his various engagements with LCHT. He is the picture of bringing your passion and skills together for causes you care about. Thank you for being so amazing, Devin, and representing the spirit of service in anti-trafficking!

“The spirit of service has always been a call to action. I’ve long maintained that those who’ve been met with opportunity and good luck have an onus to share that with their surroundings. That involvement looks different depending on the person – whether it’s donating time, money, or insight – there’s always a need.”

Devin Pitts-Rogers