Human Trafficking Blog

Meet 3 Coloradans Sustaining the Fight against Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is so complex an issue that no one person, organization, or even industry can solve it alone. “Laboratory” is in our name because we believe that it takes a mix of survivor leaders, academics, professionals, nonprofits, government, and community members working together to ultimately eliminate human trafficking.

Today, we want to introduce you to three individuals who are committed to strengthening the movement to end human trafficking in Colorado. One of the ways they show their support is by donating to LCHT as Lab Catalyst monthly donors. Keep reading to learn why they care about this issue and why they support anti-trafficking work all year long.

May 13–20, 2024 is our annual Lab Catalyst spring sustainer week at the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking. It’s a chance for us to celebrate our dedicated monthly donors AND invite others to join them in making a lasting difference for survivors.

Our goal is to recruit 25 new Lab Catalysts this week to give monthly and change lives all year long. Will you be one of them? Just $10/month helps fight this human rights abuse!


Quote from Marcus Bratton, a Lab Catalyst monthly donor and LCHT board member

An Education Leader’s Strategy to Systematically Strengthen the Anti-trafficking Movement

Marcus Bratton is one of our new board members at the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking. He has spent most of his professional career in Colorado K–12 public education. “The students and families I work with mostly live below the poverty line, including families who have migrated to Colorado from another country,” shares Marcus. “I know this population is especially vulnerable to sex and labor trafficking.”

After getting connected with our team at the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking, Marcus wanted to get involved. “LCHT has such a broad reach across the state,” he says. “The training, research, and policy work is critical to combating trafficking.” Marcus decided to donate monthly as a Lab Catalyst because “supporting the work year round, as opposed to a one-time donation, is a systematic way to ensure LCHT can sustain this powerful work.”

Marcus wants more people to care about ending human trafficking. He says, “Becoming a Lab Catalyst is a great way to support a cause that should matter to all of us.” Even $10/month makes a difference! Adds Marcus, “The amount doesn’t matter, but sustained giving over time enables LCHT not only to do this work in the moment, but to plan for the future and continue to stay relevant.”

Quote from Camiece Kirsten, Lab Catalyst monthly donor

A Nurse and Parent’s Desire to Stand up for Human Rights and Social Justice

Camiece Kirsten is a parent of three who has worked as a nurse in the Denver Metro area for two decades. She shares, “I care about this issue because I believe it is our duty as humans to ensure everyone has access to human rights and social justice.”

Several years ago, Camiece became a Lab Catalyst monthly donor. When we asked her why she gives, Camiece said, “I believe in LCHT’s mission, and I believe that mission is worth supporting all year long.” She adds, “I would encourage anyone to become a Lab Catalyst because you directly help LCHT make strides toward eliminating human exploitation!”

Camiece knows how important understanding survivors’ lived experience is. She feels most connected to our 24/7 Human Trafficking Hotline and Resource Directory because “it provides such real, tangible help to those who need it.” Join Camiece as a Lab Catalyst monthly donor to provide resources that make a meaningful difference for survivors.


Quote from Woody Wood, a Lab Catalyst monthly donor

A Churchgoer’s Knowledge about Exploitation Transformed into Action

Woody Wood became interested in ending human trafficking after an LCHT team member came to his church to talk about how prevalent this issue is in Colorado. “I hate when predators take advantage of those without any power and who are vulnerable,” shares Woody.

It was after Woody and his wife saw a movie about human trafficking that they realized how large the problem is. They were spurred into action, and began making yearly donations to the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking. Woody reflects, “After several years, I felt that a monthly donation in addition would allow LCHT to make plans, as every organization has monthly expenses.” Woody became a Lab Catalyst monthly donor!

He adds, “Everyone thinks that taking advantage of kids and vulnerable people for sex or not paying workers for the work they did is wrong. While a small monthly donation might not cure the problem, combined with others, it will make a difference.”

Impact levels you can have as a Lab Catalyst

Pledge to Change Lives All Year Long!

Will you join Marcus, Camiece, and Woody in ending human trafficking? As a Lab Catalyst monthly donor, you can provide critical resources to survivors—and prevent future cases of sex and labor exploitation. Choose the kind of impact you’d like to make, such as supporting Hotline callers, training frontline professionals, or sponsoring a survivor leader. Any level you choose will help make our Colorado communities safer for all. The fight against human trafficking is up against serious challenges, and we can’t face them without you.


Group on mountain top watching sunset.