Human Trafficking Blog

Stay at Hope: A Special Call to Sustain Anti-Trafficking

Over the last month, the majority of our country has been under a stay-at-home order in a collective effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Some of us have answered the call to serve our community in unprecedented ways. Many of us have struggled to maintain human connection amidst social distancing. All of us have felt the need to find hope despite enormous loss. As we move forward, how can we stay at hope?

The World Stopped. Human Trafficking Didn’t.

It’s important to be clear about how the coronavirus is presenting new challenges within anti-trafficking work. We know that exploitation didn’t stop for a pandemic. In fact, many of the vulnerabilities which individuals experience when they are trafficked are more present than ever during this time.

It’s also a reality that organizations like LCHT that are dedicated to community-based solutions and supporting survivors are facing practical challenges. While we are confident that we will be able to maintain our programs during this season, we are still forecasting the loss of approximately $100,000 in funding this year due to COVID-19. But this is a challenge we know we can overcome through our incredible community!

We were inspired this month by images of hope, resilience, and unity around Denver; including these amazing murals by @austinzart dedicated to critical frontline workers.

The Power of Your Generosity During a Pandemic

I don’t know what the future holds, but I know you can make a difference right now. Today I’m asking for your support to help us lead anti-trafficking efforts during and beyond this unprecedented crisis. How will we do it?

  • Continuing to support survivors through our statewide 24/7 hotline
  • Adapting to reach professionals and community groups through virtual trainings
  • Preparing to invest in human rights leaders through a remote summer session
  • Committing to still provide research-driven insights to anti-trafficking leaders across Colorado

We recognize that some people aren’t in a position to give right now. Whether you’re able to make a one-time gift, a smaller monthly pledge, or become a volunteer… your generosity can do some real good right now!

Learn How You Can Stay at Hope!

A strong response to human trafficking is certainly hopeful. And we’re ready to stay at hope!

Amanda Finger | Executive Director / Co-Founder

This May, the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking is leading Stay at Hope, a special call to sustain anti-trafficking efforts in Colorado. To get involved visit or text HOPE to 71777