Human Trafficking Blog

Mobilize the Movement: Anti-Human Trafficking in Colorado

What does it take to end human trafficking in Colorado? All of us. That means you. Me. Everyone.

On October 20th,  The Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking was proud to bring together over 200 people across Colorado committed to advancing anti-trafficking in our state.  Mobilize the Movement invited two distinct groups to the table: professionals working on the crime and community members who want to see it stop. The mix of experience, passion, and wisdom from participants in Greeley, Colorado Springs, Denver, Grand Junction, and Boulder made one reality clear:  Colorado can mobilize the movement to end human trafficking!

A Roadmap to Combat Human Trafficking

Colorado_Action_Plan_Combat_Human_Trafficking_OCT_2016Mobilize the Movement created space for anti-trafficking advocates to begin to find their place in the Colorado Action Plan.  This tool was generated by Colorado Project State Advisory Board members, focus group participants from 10 communities around the state. Ultimately, it’s intended to guide local leaders as they organize a response to human trafficking in their Colorado community.

Participants at each of the five sites across Colorado were invited into dialogue around the 4Ps framework which considers a comprehensive approach to combatting human trafficking through prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnership.  Data from those conversations will support

Colorado’s 24/7 Human Trafficking Hotline

Mobilize the Movement also promoted one of Colorado’s greatest anti-trafficking resources: The CoNEHT Hotline! The Hotline is supported 24/7 by volunteer advocates who connect callers to a vetted network of resources across Colorado.  At Mobilize the Movement, advocates at each site shared about the value of the hotline in combatting the crime statewide.  To report tips or request referrals, you can call the CoNEHT Hotline at 1-866-455-5075


2017: The Movement Continues

As anti-trafficking efforts continue across Colorado, The Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking will continue to support an informed movement through research, training, hotline, and other activities outlined in the statewide Action Plan.  Look for more events and a new online exchange in 2017!