Human Trafficking Blog

The Colorado Project

How Stable Housing Can Help End Trafficking in Colorado

How Stable Housing Can Help End Trafficking in Colorado

For many people experiencing homelessness who are in a trafficking situation, it can be hard to get help. In other cases, traffickers may confiscate documents to maintain control. In other words, housing insecurity is both a cause AND a consequence of trafficking.

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Protecting the Rights of Migrant Sheepherders

Protecting the Rights of Migrant Sheepherders

Meet Tom Acker, the Co-Founder of Western Slope Against Trafficking (WSAT), a community partnership that supports survivors of human trafficking and raises awareness about this widespread human rights crisis through training and community education.

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Elevating Survivor Voices in the Anti-trafficking Movement

Elevating Survivor Voices in the Anti-trafficking Movement

Survivors have been a big part of the data design, collection, and analysis of The Colorado Project 2023, our latest research initiative on human trafficking in Colorado. But the anti-trafficking movement has room to grow when it comes to stepping aside for survivor leaders to step in.

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