Human Trafficking Blog

Become a Lab Catalyst this May!

Today I’m proud to announce the launch of a special group of supporters we’re calling Lab Catalysts!  Lab Catalysts are individuals who commit to a recurring gift that supports our anti-trafficking work throughout the year.  This May, we’ve set a goal of partnering with 50 new Lab Catalysts.  Will you become one of them today?

Here at “The Lab”, we often talk about the blend of ideas and people who make social change possible. Some of the most important people in that mix are donors who invest financially in our mission.  As a Lab Catalyst, consider some of the ways your commitment will have an impact:


Are you ready to accelerate the fight to end human trafficking?

Personally, I love being able to invest in a cause I care about throughout the year.  That’s why I’m also a Lab Catalyst who donates to this work every month!  Will you join me today?  Simply choose a recurring donation amount that is meaningful to you, and activate your commitment here!

Stay tuned for campaign updates and more details on this special giving community.  Thanks for being part of our work to inform social change that eliminates human exploitation!




Amanda Finger
Executive Director

Become a Lab Catalyst Today!